Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jersey Landscaping : The Benefits of Natural Pesticide

I’ve been reading up on organic lawncare lately. Now that the warmer months are here, I want to spend as much time as I can in my yard as I can. But now I have a little nephew to think of – a nephew who’s at that age where he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.  And if part of what he puts in his mouth comes from my backyard – and we all know it will be – then I want to make sure that he’s not ingesting any chemicals.  So I called up my friends at JerseyLandscaping LLC for some information about using natural pesticides in my yard – and as always, they were unbelievably helpful!

I found out that there’s a lot going on in the world of organic lawn treatment – and all of it’s good.

·         Safety First! Less toxic chemicals means a happier, healthier planet for all of us! By using natural pesticides and organic practices, you don’t have to worry about the effects of chemicals on your, your loved ones or your pets.  You can roll around in the grass all day and be safe and healthy – as long as you don’t mind some dirt on your clothes.  Plus, using natural pesticides means that toxins won’t leak into the groundwater, which has a long term effect on your health and well-being.

·         Sustainability! Organic lawn treatments help more than just the water supply – they keep the soil healthy, too.  Healthy soil is nutrient rich, which leads to greener, healthier lawns.  Plus, it’s far less like to erode. Using natural pesticides encourages healthy soil.

·         Conservation! Did you know that chemicals force you to use more water? By using natural pesticides, you don’t need to water as often – or mow as often, either.  That reduces the amount of money to have to spend all around.  Plus, organic lawncare encourages recycling and reduces greenhouse gases. So by starting organic lawn treatments, you’re fighting the war on global warming, all while keeping a few extra bucks in your pockets.

·         Peace and Quiet! Think about it: all those machines – including your own lawnmower and sprinkler system – make an awful racket. Starting an organic lawn treatment system means getting to hear the birds chirp, so your yard can become your “home away from home.”

·         Awareness! If we want to keep our planet healthy for future generations, we need to start with ourselves. Organic lawncare is an easy and affordable step in the right direction.  Plus, it increases our own awareness about the chemicals and practices we employ in other parts of our lives.

Being ecologically minded is a good thing. You can keep your gorgeous yard while giving back to the environment in a safe and healthy way.  The professionals at JerseyLandscaping, LLC can help you begin organic lawn treatments for your home. Give them a call today!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Commercial Landscaping is Good For Business!

If you’re anything at all like me, you’re probably a little worried about NJ businesses. The last few years have been hard on all of us – business owners especially. So I’ve been doing some research to see what makes companies successful.  It turns out that commercial landscaping is one of the absolute best investments a company can make! Professionally designed spaces add a lot to the community, and the experts at Jersey Landscaping LLC have got the goods to prove it.

So what can commercial landscaping do for you?  You might be surprised!

o        Improved Productivity – Happy workers are effective workers.  Adding some flowers inside and outside of the office makes people feel peaceful, which lowers stress levels. A great view from inside and out makes people feel safer and more secure, too.

o        Market ValueCommercial landscaping designs make your property more valuable.  Plus, professionally designed areas lead to a lower crime rate, which improves the overall image and health of your community.

o        Pro-Active Perception – Attention to detail is important to people in New Jersey. Landscaping done by professionals is perceived by potential clients as indicative of a successful company.  In other words, when community members see a company with professionally designed landscapes, they realize that company is here to stay, which makes people feel more comfortable about hiring that business.

o        Environmental Effects – We live in a “green” society, and protecting the environment is important to most people.  Commercial landscaping that uses native plants and natural stone indicates an eco-friendly culture.  It shows potential and existing clients that you care about the local environment.  And since using native flowers and shrubs is often less expensive than importing non-native pieces, it shows that you don’t waste money on needless things.

So whether you’re looking to drum up some new business or keep some existing clients, incorporating commercial landscaping into your company’s design is sure to keep everyone happy.  The dedicated professionals at Jersey Landscaping LLC have some terrific ideas for any size business! If you want your company to shine, remember: a great design goes a long way!